Made a film lately?  Published a book?  Got news you’d love to share?  Send it along, because… It’s that time again!  The SAS Newsletter needs your news and views.

Ideas for submission include, but are not restricted to:

  • Film, television, book and DVD reviews
  • Notices of upcoming gallery shows and installations
  • Accounts of recently-attended conferences (PCA, SCMS, etc.)
  • New animation techniques and software
  • New animation schools and programs
  • Recent awards recipients
  • Photos of past SAS conferences

Not only is the Newsletter a great way for all members to keep in touch, it’s also an excellent opportunity for students to get their foot in the publishing door. We are looking forward to publishing a new issue 30 April.  Submissions due by 9 April.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Your new SAS editors are:
Lucie Joschko: .au
Caroline Ruddell: