2010 McLaren-Lambart Award Recipient: Alan Cholodenko

Alan Cholodenko is the recipient of the 2010 McLaren-Lambart Award for Best Scholarly Article on animation, for his essay, "The Animation of Cinema," which appeared in The Semiotic Review of Books.  This article revisits the idea of animation as a precursor to the cinematic form, drawing on research into the works of one of its historical progenitors, Emile Reynaud.  This is a deconstructionist ...


2011 McLaren-Lambart Book Award: a Call for Entries

The Society for Animation Studies announces a call for entries for the 2011 McLaren-Lambart Award for the Best Scholarly Book on Animation.  Entries must be a book published in 2009 or 2010 that contributes to the field of animation studies.  An author must be a current member of the S.A.S, and authors must nominate themselves by submitting their book either as a digital file or by having the bo...


2011 Emru Townsend Award

Society for Animation Studies members may now apply for grant awards (refund of the $200 conference fee) for those presenting at this year's annual conference in Athens.  All applicants should send an email that includes: your short paper abstract that you submitted for the S.A.S. conference (priority will be given to presenters, though others may apply) your particular need for monetary assista...


Animation Event Funding – a Call for Proposals

The S.A.S. will award $500 USD to 2 events that must be held in 2011 for the promotion of animation studies. This funding is intended to support symposia or academic gatherings that are perhaps smaller than a full conference.  The committee encourages graduate students or others to organize full-day events with invited guests and panelists or presenters, in the hope that our funding can support a...