Emru Townsend Award, and the Professional Development Grant

Announcement to S.A.S. Members: Emru Townsend Award, and the Professional Development Grant Society for Animation Studies members may now apply for grant awards in the assistance of research and travel for those intending to present at this year's annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia.  To apply for either grant, all applications should specifically include:   a short CV of the applicant a br...

Blending Media: Defining Film in the Modernist Period

An International Symposium of the Framing Media Research Group (Austrian Science Fund, Project 20349) Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria June 9-10, 2009 How do modern media define themselves? This is one of the central questions that our symposium tries to trace by focusing on what has become the largest, best-documented study of the recent past: the emergence ...

Exchange Forum in Dresden- Perspectives for Animated Film

EXCHANGE FORUM "PERSPECTIVES FOR ANIMATED FILM" DRESDEN - KIEV 16 TILL 23 APRIL 2009 Call for Bids Filmfest Dresden and Goethe-Institut Ukraine offer young European filmmakers the unique opportunity for an international exchange within the framework of the 21st Filmfest Dresden. The objective of this programme is to give up-and-coming talents the opportunity for building up international coopera...