Animation Studies, Vol. 3: New articles

The Animation Studies On-line Journal's third volume has been updated with Sheuo Hui Gan's article "The Newly Developed Form of Ganime and its Relation to Selective Animation for Adults in Japan" and with Lynne Perras' article "'Steadier, happier, and quicker at the work'? Women in Canadian Animation". Sheuo Hui Gan offers an exciting overview of a new project in Japanese animation that is intent...

Animation Journal: Call for submissions

I am preparing the 2008 issue of Animation Journal, which will be published in October. To fill out the issue, I'm looking for book/DVD reviews, discussions of production practices/work in progress with an animation studies perspective, research or teaching methods related discussions or aids, or other short pieces. These are non-refereed items, generally ten manuscript pages (2500 words) and unde...