UTS SIAF Selected Writings from ‘Animation Histories and Futures’ Symposium

A selection of writings from the proceedings of ‘Animation Histories and Futures’, a one-day symposium set up to stimulate discussion between animation researchers, teachers and practitioners, is now available for download. ‘Animation Histories and Futures’ was hosted by the University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building in collaboration with the Facultie...

Pierre Floquet receives 2011 McLaren-Lambart Award

Pierre Floquet, the author of "Le langage comique de Tex Avery," is the recipient of the 2011 McLaren-Lambart Award for the Best Scholarly Book on animation.  This book, published in French by L'Harmattan, is a detailed analysis of the cinematic nuances at play in the cartoons directed by Tex Avery at MGM from 1942-1951.  With remarkably complex insights into Avery's comic language, the author d...

Animation: From the Avant-garde to Popular Culture

The wide-ranging scope of this symposium is symptomatic of the  explosive field of animation and the flexibility that digital  technology is having on moving images that cross boundaries between  art, technology and science. Historical precedents, contemporary art  practices, and experiments in new animation media will be presented  and discussed. This symposium is being organized by the...

Call for Papers: Alternative Visions in Cinema and Television

(Proposals due November 2, 2007) We invite panel and individual-paper proposals for the Alternative  Visions: Trash/Cult/Experimental/Avant-Garde/Extreme Cinema and  Television Conference, to be held at Plymouth State University  (Plymouth, New Hampshire) April 11-12, 2008.  The members of the  conference committee are seeking contributions that examine  noteworthy non-, counter-, and/o...