Submission deadline 25th April (please note a second CFP will be circulated
approx. August)

Society for Animation Studies members are invited to submit conference
papers from SAS or other conferences, past and present in the growing

subject area of animation studies.

All papers are subject to peer review; acceptance of a
paper at a conference is not a guarantee of publication. If a paper is
accepted for a conference but not presented it can still be considered;
subject to agreement by the editorial board.

Papers will be blind refereed where possible and comments collated and
returned to the author by the editor.

The journal editions run on an annual basis with papers accepted
throughout the year but the volume closed on calendar year end. In order
to simplify the refereeing and submission, papers will be accepted at
deadlines throughout the year. We invite authors to submit papers in spring
and late summer/early autumn.

We strongly encourage the submission of past papers in order to
establish a useful archive of work which members can access. We also
encourage the submission of links to other publications or bibliographic
citations where conference papers have been published elsewhere.

Papers are not limited to word length, though it is expected that the
paper will not exceed that of the presentation, or a reasonable
approximation of it. Author may edit their conference presentations, but
the text must provide a reasonable representation of the material
presented at the conference.

Images are welcomed but authors must seek permissions to reproduce them
in the journal. Rights owners must be identified in the caption, in the
manner specified by the rights owner in a release form signed by that
individual. Articles are published under Creative Commons regulations,
which allows the author to retain copyright but allows free distribution
of the work for educational purposes. Creative Commons is in line with
progressive online publishing practices.

The Harvard Referencing system will be used. All papers should be
submitted in Microsoft Word document files (.doc) or Rich Text Format
(.rtf). Please submit images in low resolution, web-ready formats.

Email your essay, including a cover page stating your name, your
institutional affiliation (now and at the time of the paper
presentation), the name of the paper, the SAS conference at which it was
published, the date of presentation (or conference dates), and any
significant information related to the editing of the paper. Please
provide contact information suitable for publication with the paper.


submit to Nichola Dobson or