Exchange Forum in Dresden- Perspectives for Animated Film

EXCHANGE FORUM "PERSPECTIVES FOR ANIMATED FILM" DRESDEN - KIEV 16 TILL 23 APRIL 2009 Call for Bids Filmfest Dresden and Goethe-Institut Ukraine offer young European filmmakers the unique opportunity for an international exchange within the framework of the 21st Filmfest Dresden. The objective of this programme is to give up-and-coming talents the opportunity for building up international coopera...

Animation and Automation Conference

Animation and Automation 26 - 27 March 2009 The University of Manchester and Lancaster University Conference Co-organisers: Jackie Stacey (RICC, Manchester) and Lucy Suchman (CSS, Lancaster) The aim of this symposium is to examine the relationship between Animation and Automation by bringing into dialogue two already highly interdisciplinary areas of scholarship: film studies, including new med...

Lucerne International Animation Academy 2009

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts 8-12 of December 2009 The Institute of Design of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts will organise the first Lucerne International Animation Academy from the 8 - 12 of December 2009. The goal of this Symposium is to encourage a theoretical debate about current and historical questions of animation as an independent form of the “Moving P...

Animated metamorphoses. The changing Culture in Contemporary Animation

10th Film Summer School in Locarno, Switzerland, 3.-7. August 2009 To account for the hybrid, polymorphous nature of contemporary animation, the X Film Summer School plans to confront the Western scene with that in the East, initiating a dialogue through two of the authors who are most representative of the latest tendencies in animation - Swiss animation director Georges Schwizgebel and Japanese...