Animation Journal: Call for submissions

I am preparing the 2008 issue of Animation Journal, which will be published in October. To fill out the issue, I'm looking for book/DVD reviews, discussions of production practices/work in progress with an animation studies perspective, research or teaching methods related discussions or aids, or other short pieces. These are non-refereed items, generally ten manuscript pages (2500 words) and unde...

Global Media Journal: Call for Papers

Global Media Journal, edited by the School of Journalism and Communication,Tsinghua University(China), both in print and online versions, is now calling submission of academic papers related to global media, culture and communication. Special issues in 2009 will cover the topics on "media criticism", "media economics", "new media and society" and "corporate communication". Prior concerns will be g...

Quarterly Review of Film and Video: Call for Papers

The editors (Wheeler Winston Dixon and Gwendolyn Audrey Foster) of Quarterly Review of Film and Video seek submissions of manuscripts in film, video, and moving image studies. The journal publishes five times per year (four regular issues, and one year-end special issue), and is now seeking selected articles for publication. QRFV is devoted to providing innovative perspectives from a broad range ...

2009 SAS Conference to be held in Atlanta

The 2009 SAS Conference will be held July 10-12 at the Savannah College of Art and Design's Atlanta campus ( ). (The school's main campus is in Savannah.) The conference is being put on by the school's Animation Department (located in both Atlanta and Savannah) along with its Cinema Studies Department in Savannah. I also am happy to announce that ASIFA-Atlanta has agreed to be i...