I am seeking proposals for special issues from individuals who would like to guest edit an issue of Animation Journal.

Animation Journal comes out once a year in October. Typically, a call for papers is disseminated in November, essays are reviewed in January, and the process of review and revision is completed by late June. The issue is laid out in July and sent to the printer in August.

Generally, each issue is composed of 80 to 100 manuscript pages, which might include three to four essays. The editor will be responsible for working with authors to obtain images. He or she will not do the actual layout of the issue, but will be responsible for overseeing revisions from the authors and proofreading.

Any animation-related theme will be considered. Essays should go through blind review, though another selection process will be considered if appropriate for the theme.

Please send a description of the proposed special issue along with a statement describing your past experience editing a journal or anthology, writing a book, or otherwise working with publications. Also indicate your qualifications to deal with the theme of the proposed special issue, and information about where your call for papers will be disseminated in order to attract the appropriate research.

Send proposals by November 1. Feel free to write to me if you have any questions.

Maureen Furniss
Editor, Animation Journal