The S.A.S. will award $500 USD to 2 events that must be held in 2011 for the promotion of animation studies. This funding is intended to support symposia or academic gatherings that are perhaps smaller than a full conference.  The committee encourages graduate students or others to organize full-day events with invited guests and panelists or presenters, in the hope that our funding can support and seed such events.  Organizers of larger events, in which this grant might only be one component of the entire funding, are also encouraged to apply.  The selection committee will give preference to events that are organized by or which will include S.A.S members.

All applicants should send an email that includes:

– the purpose and scope of the proposed event
– the name of the applicant who serves as the event organizer, including others who will assist you
– the location of the event and the dates you propose to hold it
– the means by which people will be selected to present or take part
– the estimated cost of the event and a general budget, including admission fees, if any
– the relevance of this event to the promotion of animation studies

Award winners must acknowledge the support of the S.A.S in all program materials, and must submit a written summary of the event to the S.A.S newsletter in or before Spring 2012.

The deadline to apply is Feb. 20, 2011.  Applicants must send their request by email, adhering to the above guidelines, to Tom Klein at    The award recipients will be announced in March, after review by a selection committee.