Volume 2 (2007) of the Society for Animation Studies peer-reviewed online journal Animation Studies is now available for download at


The journal is available free of charge, articles are licensed under a Creative Commons license.


Animated Appeal: A Survey of Production Methods in Children’s Software
by Tom Klein

(The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix, Part II

by Alan Cholodenko

Breaking Boundaries: The Representation of Split Identity in Anime
by Caroline Ruddell

The Uses and Abuses of Cartoon Style in Animation

by Leslie Bishko

The Double Sense of Animated Images
by María Lorenzo Hernández

Early Connections Between Film and Emerging Media as Evidenced in the Animated Worlds of Adam Beckett
by Pamela Taylor Turner

The Two Golden Ages of Animated Music Video
by Gunnar Strøm

For questions and suggestions, please contact editor Nichola Dobson at journal@animationstudies.org .