16 TILL 23 APRIL 2009

Call for Bids

Filmfest Dresden and Goethe-Institut Ukraine offer young European
filmmakers the unique opportunity for an international exchange within
the framework of the 21st Filmfest Dresden. The objective of this
programme is to give up-and-coming talents the opportunity for
building up international cooperations and to inform about ways of
getting financial support for their projects. The programme is
addressed to young filmmakers, especially graduates and students from
film academies.
As two cities with international activities in the field of animated
films Kiev and Dresden are ideal for this exchange: Dresden was over
40 years habitat of DEFA trick film studios. After its liquidation
DIAF (German Institute for Animated Film) has taken over the function
as an archive and research centre as well as an institution for
exhibitions. In 1989 Filmfest Dresden was founded as a forum for
animated film. Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, also looks back on a long
film tradition, represented among others by the animation studio
Ukranimafilm and supported by Krok Kyiv International Animated Film

The Exchange Forum will take place during one week in Dresden and Kiev
with the opportunity to learn more about educative and promotional
structures of the exchange country. The participants will also have an
insight into the latest developments of Ukrainian, German and
international animation. To allow a thorough exchange between
participants and to open the way for international cooperations, they
will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own works.
There will also be discussions and the opportunity for individual
talks with international representatives of the animated film.

Application requirements:
For the project we would like to invite young filmmakers, producers
and other professionals from the animated film sector. The number of
participants will be limited to 20 people. Working language will be

We offer the reimbursement of the following costs for the participants:
– accommodation & breakfast in Dresden & Kiev + one meal per day
– accreditation at Filmfest Dresden
– travel expenses for the journey from Dresden to Kiev and back
– expenses for arrival to and departure from Dresden will be refunded
at the lowest possible rate (within Europe only)

Please send your applications only via E-Mail and in English including
a curriculum vitae and a filmography, a description of your current or
planed film project(s) and a short statement why you want to take
part. Please configurate your cv and your filmography the way you wish
to present yourself on our homepage in case of being invited to the
forum. We do only accept individual applications. We kindly ask you to
send a DVD/VHS of a film of yours by regular mail (or tell us a link
to watch a film) to:

– from Ukraine:
Nina Goncharenko, Goethe-Institut Ukraine, wul. Woloska 12/4, 04070
Kiew, Ukraine
Tel.: + 38 044 496 12 83, Fax: + 38 044 496 97 89,

– from other countries including Germany:
Filmfest Dresden, Lars Meyer, Alaunstr. 62, 01099 Dresden, Germany (tel.: +49 351 829 47 11);

Deadline for applications is 19 January 2009!