The Society for Animation Studies invites submissions for proposals for individual papers and panels for its 23rd Annual conference to be held in the Cultural Center of the University of Indianapolis, Athens Campus. The conference will be organized by the Academic Affair Department and the Communication Department of the University of Indianapolis. This year the conference will include presentations, screenings, roundtables, and workshops.
The purpose of this conference is to explore the new skills needed for creating and sustaining a viable digital animation and visual arts industry as a driving force in the creative economy. The conference focuses on the learning needs of educators, students, working professionals, business executives, technology leaders, and public service decision makers in the fields of animation, computer gaming, digital visual arts, media, television, movies, computer science, and information technology. It intends to pay homage to the heritage left to the present by the masters of the past, as well as to investigate the grade in which traditional animation techniques can be beheld and interpreted in view of the future. It springs from the debate on the present state of things in the various sectors of animation studies, and aims to explore their future development in relationship to the current evolution in animation production.
This conference will seek to address a wide breadth of questions, including the following:
1.What are the current and emerging animation technologies?
2.How do visual arts shape stories, and communicated through images, music and sound?
3.How does the past drive the present understanding of animation as art and entertainment?
4.How are the animation and visual FXS industries changing?
5.How are business strategy, organizational adaptation, and societal change being affected by the animation and visual FXS industries evolution?
6.What impact are these factors of change having on society’s ability to develop the required workforce?
7.How does the field of animation contribute to economic development?
8.What are the prospects and promises of the emerging creative economy? Which countries are leading this process? What is happening in the rest of the world?
9.What interdisciplinary research is needed to expand the existing body of knowledge in the field of animation studies? How can this body of knowledge be categorized, organized and disseminated?
10.Which educational potential is opened by the evolving sociological perception of animation? Does technology and the entertainment industry play a role in this evolution?
11.Game industry: animation as entertainment, artistic and educational potential at the forefront?
12.Open source: a matter of philosophy and revolution?
13.If history of animation is the ground of the pioneers, what can its history teach us today?
14.Teaching animation: academic acknowledgment of the field and its problems.
15.New technologies in animation: showcase, applications, and new theories.
The conference will follow five conference tracks that will address one or more of the conference questions:
1.The digital revolution in animation, its applications and its relationships to the traditional techniques.
2.Paradigms for enhancing the dialogue in between traditional animation studies and new approaches towards a deeper knowledge of the craft/field.
3.Paradigms for animation as key player in the creative economy; the power and potentials of games and images in education, simulations, and trials.
4.Paradigms for integrating new technologies into life service networks
5.How is society and culture changing due to animation and FXS industries evolution.
E-mail your submission with the proposal attached to Ms Romana Turina at:
Hard copies or CD should be mailed to Ms Romana Turina, Conference Coordinator, c/o Academic Affair Department, University of Indianapolis, 9 Ipitou St., GR-105 57 Athens, Greece.
Proposal or abstract should include:

1. Presenter information (name, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone & fax number)
2. Selected format of presentation (oral presentation, roundtable discussion, poster, or workshop)
3. Title and affiliation (institution or organization)
4. Proposal or abstract (in English, not to exceed 300 words, in PDF, or Word, or Office)
5. Biographical data (in English, not to exceed 200 words)
6. Selected track, or four keywords
7. Indication of technological support needed
Deadline for submission of proposals: November 30, 2010.
Deadline for submission of final paper + presentation material: January 15, 2011.
Select a format of presentation for each abstract sent for submission:

15 minutes presentation (one presenter)
30 minutes presentation (may include one or two presenters)
90 minutes workshop or panel (regardless of the number of presenters)
In this case explain how the session will be conducted and the number of presenters.
Participants will enjoy session time at the Athens Cultural Center, adjacent to the University of Indianapolis-Athens and at the foot of the Acropolis. The Conference Programme will be on line as soon as finalized.
The conference fee, 150 euros, will include free pass to every panel, workshop or screening, lunches (18-20 March 2011), and the Conference Dinner (18 March 2011).
Field trips to visit some sites in Athens will be organized, as well as a one day cruise to three near by islands (the 21st ), and a two day Mainland Excursion. Details will be posted on line.

The University has obtained special rates at four hotels, all within a few minutes walking distance of the University’s buildings. Rates are inclusive of Buffet Breakfast & 11.18% taxes. Rates are available from three days before until three days after the Conference, from March 15 through March 23, 2011 (see below).

15 Apollonos street, Plaka, Athens 105 57 Greece
(booking only at: )
21 Apollonos street, Athens 105 57 Greece
Tel.No. +30 210 32 34 357
Fax.No +30 210 32 25 244
Email for booking:
5, Ermou Str. Athens
10563 Greece
Tel : +30 210 33 78 000
Fax: + 30 210 32 20310
Email for booking:
18-20, N.Nikodimou Str, Athens
10557 Greece
Tel : +30 210 33 70 000
Fax: + 30 210 32 41 875
Email for booking:


Standard Single room: 54 euros
Standard Double room: 72 euros
Standard Triple room: 92 euros

Standard Single room: 100 euros
Superior Single room: 130 euros
Standard Double room: 115 euros

Standard Single room: 135 euros
Standard Double room: 148 euros

Standard Single room: 168 euros
Superior Single room: 209 euros
Standard Double room: 185 euros
Superior Double room: 199 euros

ONE DAY 3 ISLANDS CRUISE : Details soon to be posted on line
TWO DAYS MAINLAND EXCURSION (with one overnight in Ancient Olympia in Olympion Asty Hotel, which is a 4 star hotel): Itinerary will cover visits to Delphi, Olympia (overnight), Lagadia, Epidavros, Corinth Canal.
Details soon to be posted on line
The conference site map will be provided. Please note that participants will be responsible for their own transportation arrangements to and from Athens, Hellas.
The Conference is open to the public.

If you have any questions regarding the conference or submission of a proposal, please contact our Conference Coordinator Ms Romana Turina, at or at

A final programme and further details on keynote speakers will follow in due course.

See you in Athens!