Alan Cholodenko is the recipient of the 2010 McLaren-Lambart Award for Best Scholarly Article on animation, for his essay, “The Animation of Cinema,” which appeared in The Semiotic Review of Books.  This article revisits the idea of animation as a precursor to the cinematic form, drawing on research into the works of one of its historical progenitors, Emile Reynaud.  This is a deconstructionist text that references related arguments from the author, providing a deeper excavation of the contention that ‘cinema is animation’ while offering a detailed account of Reynaud’s pre-film work.  The selection committee was comprised of Tom Klein (Chair), Richard Stamp, Chris Carter, Adam de Beer, and Romana Turina.  Dr. Cholodenko is former Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in Film and Animation Studies at the University of Sydney, where he now holds the title of Honorary Associate.


The Society for Animation Studies announces a call for entries for the 2011 McLaren-Lambart Award for the Best Scholarly Book on Animation.  Entries must be a book published in 2009 or 2010 that contributes to the field of animation studies.  An author must be a current member of the S.A.S, and authors must nominate themselves by submitting their book either as a digital file or by having the book’s publisher provide 4 copies of the book for the selection committee.  Digital files can be provided in the following formats: Microsoft Word doc, .pdf (preferred) or .rtf’s.  The deadline for nominations/submissions is March 4, 2011.

Entrants should provide contact information and a short summary (up to 300 words) of their book, including what they view as the significant contribution of the book toward animation studies, and email that to (Loyola Marymount University).  Tom will then request the digital file or, if the entrant prefers to provide books, he will email the addresses to which the publisher must ship 4 books, one each to two locations in Europe, and one each to two locations in North America, to allow for review by a selection committee.  The recipient of the McLaren-Lambart Award will be announced in June 2011.