The Society for Animation Studies is now accepting essays pertaining 
to animation that were published in 2008 or 2009.  Submitted work must 
be entered by the author himself/herself, and the author must have 
membership in the S.A.S. for this current year, 2010.  An author 
should limit submitted work to a single published essay that best 
represents his/her scholarship during this period.

The Society will consider submissions in any language.  If a version 
or a translation of an author’s essay is available in English, this is 
preferred by the selection committee.  Efforts will be made to 
evaluate an essay in other languages, but only English-language works 
are guaranteed consideration.  Published animation essays must be 
submitted in one of these digital formats: a Microsoft Word document 
(.doc or .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf), or as an Acrobat Reader file 
(.pdf).  The essay should be attached via email and sent to
  before September 18.  Essays sent after Sept. 18 will not be eligible.

When the email and attached essay are received, a reply will be sent 
to the author by Tom Klein on behalf of the selection committee to 
confirm that your essay has been received and will be evaluated for 
the S.A.S. award.  Be sure to include your name, title of the essay, 
and refer us to where your essay was published, as well as the date of 
publication.  There is no professional or academic affiliation 
required for consideration. The committee will not re-publish or 
distribute the essays received.

By Fall 2010, the selection committee will choose one of the essays to 
receive the S.A.S. award.  This award, acknowledging exemplary work in 
our field, will be publicized in press releases, on the S.A.S. 
website, and also within the S.A.S. Newsletter.